Friday, December 20, 2013

Okay, this is a challenge for me to even put out such information. However, Its time to have more awareness of this type of brain tumor. It was suggested that I put this out in the social media for help. I would like to know that I am not alone. Only 1% of the adult population have had this form of brain tumor. I would like to know what others have been challenged with and their recovery in having a tumor called a Choriod Plexus Papilloma in the third ventricle located in the Foramen of Monro. Please MM and share so that I may find these amazing men or women 
I also would like to publicly THANK a merciful God, all my family and friends that have gone through my own recovery!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2016 Paralympics 

Sorry,I haven't been consistent in journaling.

Monday's ride was full of ahha moments, diagnosis and help. 

I am going to try to explain in a helpful way what happened and is happening to me.  

I went over the day, Monday with my counselor to help better understand what happen to me, how there may be suggestions to aid me and a diagnosis that I pray we may find a way to learn a way around it.  

When I got to the barn you had asked me how I was and I answered great.  However, what I didn't realize was that my morning had been altered from my normal routine.  I had a early morning visit with my nephew, wife and small child.  I put on a nice breakfast and visited with them until I needed to leave for lesson.  I left them in the care of David.  

When I got to the barn I was told that Ari wasn't in his normal place and was there overnight in an outside nice place with shelter.  I got concerned about was he suppose to be there and was it safe from the elements.  I was reassured that it was fine from you, Marlo.  Did you know he was there? 

I was informed that we were going to be trained out side today.  In my mind I wasn't prepared for this change.  I had visually had my lesson inside.  What I wasn't expecting was different stimuli outside, dressage test that I didn't study for, letters in the right place or couldn't see them.  Then trying to remember the way to balance myself so that Ari wouldn't go at a quicker pace that I couldn't handle transitions.  I didn't realize how over stimulated my brain was getting in this training session.  Until, I realized that I wasn't taking good breathes in and when I had a PTSD moment in Ari's stall and in break room.  

What happen in Ari's stall was incredible and credit to Ari's sound brain!  I lead Ari passed this mare next to him.  Her ears always have been pinned when I pass with him.  When I entered Ari's stall I saw that Ari went to his water but left for his supplements and grain.  I went in to his stall to see if there was water and if it was dirty, it wasn't and as soon as I turned to face Ari.  The mare next to Ari kick very hard!  It was so loud that I froze and started hyperventilating.  I was able to lean on Ari to get my composer and take 10 deep breathes.. He just stood still.  I went out of his stall and put my had on his head while I still couldn't pass this mare yet due to fear.  As I put my hand on Ari's head I continued taking deep breathes until I was ready to pass her and go into where the cross ties were.  Ari just let me do this without him moving!  I went back in to start working on cleaning tac and tears started out of nowhere.. I went into the break room and had a breakdown of sorts.  I hyperventilated again and got my breathing under control.  This took about 4 mins til I felt like I could go back in to clean tac.  Then I faced you and tears started flowing again.  It wasn't until I spoke about generally what had occurred that I was able to settle down and finish cleaning.  Thank you for explaining why the mare may have reacted.  Its not the point.  Thats okay, its how I need to continue to learn to manage and implement my reactions.  Also, to recognize over simulation of my brain.  

As I went home I thought about what happen and why.. I got some answers from Ann (counselor) about some things I have been thinking about. I showed her video of Ari and I and it confirms that I have Spacial Damage.  In her report it will address this issue. It affects space around me, memory issues and balance.  Over stimulation occurs with this issue.  

Some suggestions that Ann (knowing that she really doesn't know dressage) knowing in the passed has helped me.  Which are: What test needs to be memorized or in the process of and practiced at  home by visualizing on treadmill with music, basement walking it and printing out the test to read it then drawing it on the back.  I will show you what I did at courage reins.  It floored Rachel how well I did on that test.. Memorizing the letters in a dressage arena, glasses at shows, visualizing what to do in an arena with other horses (scenario).  Ear buds :-), resting my mind in-between shows.  We will explore this more in detail at the Symposium.  I spoke with Joyce who is over it and there will be intense evaluation involved.  I am pleased to hear.  

We are learning together and I am grateful for this process. I know that there will be someway to get around this and plow forward!  I have school shows to compete in, along with full competition and I fully intend to do my level best!  And I know you are committed to learn how you can help me perform my best.  Isn't learning a great power to have in our lives. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I probably shouldn't have posted this however it made me with my family laugh to tears on the floor!

Do you fart in bed ? If this story doesn't make you cry for laughing so hard, let me know and I’ll pray for you. This is a story about a couple who had been happily married for years, the only friction in their marriage was the husband’s habit of farting loudly every morning when he awoke the noise would wake his wife and the smell would make her eyes water and make her gasp for air. Every morning she would plead with him to stop ripping them off because it was making her sick. He told her he couldn't stop it and that it was perfectly natural. She told him to see a doctor, she was concerned that one day he would blow his guts out. The years went by and he continued to rip them out. Then one Christmas day morning, as she was preparing the turkey for dinner and he was upstairs sound asleep, she looked at the innards, neck, gizzard, liver and all the spare parts, and a malicious thought came to her. She took the bowl and went upstairs where her husband was sound asleep and, gently pulling the bed covers back, she pulled back the elastic waistband of his underpants and emptied the bowl of turkey guts into his shorts. Sometime later she heard her husband waken with his usual trumpeting which was followed by a blood curdling scream and the sound of frantic footsteps as he ran into the bath room. The wife could hardly control herself as she rolled on the floor laughing, tears in her eyes! After years of torture she reckoned she had got him back pretty good. About twenty minutes later, her husband came downstairs in his blood stained underpants with a look of horror on his face. She bit her lip as she asked him what was the matter. He said, “Honey you were right… all these years you have warned me and I didn't listen to you.” “What do you mean?” asked his wife. “Well, you always told me that one day I would end up farting my guts out, and today it finally happened, but by the grace of god, some Vaseline and two fingers. I think I got most of them back in…….............…..”

Friday, October 25, 2013

I finished IT!

I needed to writed a paper on alittle bit about me, my challenges, goals and what the 2013 West Coast U.S. National PARA-Dressage Traing Sypmposium for a Scholarship tution.  I am so grateful for a great base that I was inspired to write and the help of my loving daughter and husband!  Here is what I submitted today!

My name is Emily Sheffield and I am an up and coming Para rider. I have always had a passion for riding horses and playing soccer.  I knew as a young girl that I was sure I would go to the Olympics in soccer or horse riding.  But as I got older I found myself in a number of difficult family and health situations that derailed my dreams. It was not until my own children were old enough for me to send them to learn horse riding that I realized my passion had only been on hold, and was not gone. It’s funny how life can come back at you like that. 

Unfortunately, my renewed passion had still not come at an ideal time. Around that time I just undergone  three major surgeries on my stomach, esophagus, and gall bladder. I wasn't healing well after my third surgery. I had a sharp Gastrointeroligist doctor that concluded that I needed a brain CT scan.  Doctors’ found a mass in my brain that was operated on.  In that surgery a seven mm tumor was in the center of the brain with hydrocephalus, which would have eventually killed me, was mostly removed. To have the surgery I had left my family, three children ages three to fifteen, to go out of state to where the specialist who performed the operation is located. I stayed a month to recover before I was able to come home. Though I did my best to educate myself and stay positive through this time of challenge, I had to take the surgery option with a leap of faith!  

 I woke up from surgery a different woman. Before surgery my leg had started to buckle regularly beneath me when I walked, but after I was walking again!  I started to rehabilitate, and continued to do better.  But the recovery process after brain surgery is long. Even three years later I was still, to a certain degree, fragile. Which is why when my family and I were in a car crash during that time that they were able to walk away from it with little to no damage; but for me it resulted in a concussion, whip lash, memory loss, dizziness, headaches, balance issues, and contusions all throughout my body.  I had been suffering major vitamin deficiencies before the accident from damages caused by the three stomach surgeries and damage from tumor mentioned before, and this too contributed to the intensity of the injuries I sustained.  Additionally, doctors found that the plate that covered the burr hole cut into my skull for the brain surgery had sunk in and the screws where coming out of my head!  I literally had a few screws loose. This led to my second brain surgery.  It was after this brain surgery that I lost 70% of my balance, had more extensive short term memory challenges, as well as lost more of my comprehension, word retrieval,  organization,  and concentration capabilities. Whether as a result of the physical damages or the mental strain I now also cope with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, slurring words, depression, and anxiety. 

These, along with the worsening of my balance, my quality of life was steadily decreasing.  I was referred to a Hearing and Balance Center. They found that while most people have a number of ways to balance themselves, I was only able to balance using visual cues.   I was incredibly encouraged that, while there was some damage that can’t be reversed, much of it was that the brain had simply forgotten how to use the equilibrium and connection to brain and feet.  This meant I had to go to work!  I got to the point in my physical therapy that I needed to try to rehabilitate from off the ground.  It was here, finally, that my early and rediscovered passions were able to begin culminating into something real. .  Horse riding was a perfect fit!  I started, and enjoyed, hypo-therapy at a facility called Courage Reins. For three and a half years I worked to rehabilitate and was able to recover about  53% of my balance! One of the therapy techniques included being taught Biomedic dressage. I loved it!   It has been a key to where I am now. Although my other struggles persist, I do have greater balance back in my life, in both senses of the word.

My current trainer suggested Paralympics because she knew my dream of going to the Olympics. I have been thrilled with the idea and both of us haven't looked back! I understand that there is a process to qualify for the Paralympics.  The work that will be required in getting to my ultimate goal is not new to me.  I am excited to be a part of this Symposium because I know that my trainer and I will be able to be taught how to better qualify me as a Para Rider, continued team work with my trainer, where I am in my skills, and what tools I need in my journey.  

I hope you will consider me as a candidate for this scholarship.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Journey to Rio
Paralympics 2016

We have bumped up my riding to get ready for competition in February.  Its been fun to ride more and I am learning more.  I will get to today in a little bit.  Mondays lesson was focused on teardrops and 3 serpentines.  For example: A teardrop reverse. Okay I am having a hard time putting visual to words. Look at a tear and visually look at the letters in the Dressage Arena and there you go. :-)  I will try to put words to the serpentines.  Start from H make a loop and face the S, come to the S and loop to B then loop to A and do it the other side.. Lol I don't remember the letters.  I finally caught on in that same lesson.  It was fun.  I also was riding on the right diagonals that day too. The rhythm was good with Ari and me.  

Today's ride was totally different. Cool thing happened, I was able to remember how to do each step in putting Ari's bridle on and only had verbal instruction from a kind rider name Joan (whom I really like!) when I lost what I was supposed to do with the next step.  I did it.  Wow.. Ari was awesome.  I was grateful he didn't fight me or try to mouth me.  He was very submissive to my inadequacy.. I am doing better.  This truly is a process..  Today I had mixed emotions and they came through.  Really it started last night when I needed to write about me and my challenges, overcoming them, goals and what I want to achieve from the Symposium. It really is still tough for me think about what I went through with 3 stomach and esophagus surgeries then tumor, brain surgery, car accident and another brain surgery. Then to have my counselor relay to me what the tumor and surgeries have robbed me from, was heart wrenching to me.  I know that I need to continue to understand that I have come so far in my rehabilitation. That I have been so blessed to even be walking and knowing that its a miracle that I am still living.  Okay enough… today's ride I was not remembering my diagonals as well, even the feel.  It was helpful for Marlo to tempo it out in my earpiece that I wear to hear her.  There was even some confusion on the tear drop.  I was so excited for the chance to be on lunge line for a first canter.  My balance was off so I kept going forward.  I am encouraged to know that Ari was taking care of me and so was Marlo.  Yes, I wish it would have gone differently.  However, practice will correct my balancing and sitting tooshi back. It was nice to remember my soccer days and how much I needed to practice dribbling looking up, how I kick, team work, heading the ball, corner kicks, goal kicks, throw the ball in, penalty kicks and kicks that made goals from full back.  It took amazing coaches and determination to get it done!  I am grateful that these memories have been coming back and placed for a reason.  I am suppose to go to the Paralympics and I am suppose to work hard along with my coach and Ari to make this amazing goal happen.    

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Journey to Rio

Wow how time is flying.. Wednesday's training was so fun and challenging!  It was my first full day of riding knowing that Ari is my responsibility as his owner.  I used all my new tack to groom him.  It felt so good to just know that I am becoming more independent on my responsibility with him.  A couple of challenges I am working through on tacking Ari.  The putting on and taking off his bridle and cleaning his back hoofs.  Marlo has been awesome in helping with these two challenges.  Putting on Ari's bridle is a challenge for me because of all the steps that occurs in quick session.  I know that repetition and hands on help will be the key in to master this challenge.  I am not sure how yet to master the hoof cleaning on Ari's hind hoofs.  What happens is that I completely get out of breathe and get dizzy.. Weird sensation.. I am not sure why.. His front legs I am good with, it may take a couple pauses to gather strength to complete but it gets done.  He is happy to see me and wants to work.  I like that and I want to work too.  

I watch Marlo warm him up on a lunge line. I got on after and did my exercises while walk with Ari except for the leg stretch to position my V.  Marlo taught trained me on my squares with Ari.  Making sure I didn't move his neck just his body when making a square, its to engage my lower body to move him not using my reins.  I also worked on posting trot to halt. Worked on my posting diagonals, understanding what sides to post on and when to transition onto the other wall.  I am working on feeling this motion so that I do not look.  I get a little off balanced when I look down to see if I am posting correctly or looking at his shoulder to match my down beat.  I am continuing to make this stick so it comes natural.  I love the feel of things that are natural.  I thought a lot about my soccer days again after my ride.  How it came natural as I practiced and had fun with it.  

I need to figure out how to post pictures and videos. Any sugguestions? :-)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Journey to Rio

Wednesday training was a good reminder that practice and patience are a good pair!  I watched Marlo on Ari for a time. I was paying attention to her ability to train and of course how her position was with on the sitting trot.  I got on Ari and went through my exercise routine.  I found that my left side wasn't connecting as well as the right in sensation.  My legs were tense still probably from the drive up.   However I was so excited to be riding.  Marlo's points: sit back and be in the middle of the salad bowl, L shape with my elbow and wrist supple, pushing forward with my fist on a two by four and my thighs like a V esp on transitions and not to grip with my caves or feet.. Ari will go faster lol   I had forgotten some of this and I tilted more forward feeling out of balance. I was grateful for Marlo's insight on continuing to learn to focus on the the positive.  She said I am doing well on my posting trot.  That meant a lot to me knowing when Marlo came and trained me at Courage Reins she was helping me with my trot.  I was trotting like a toilet lid slamming down on the poor horse's back lol.. 

I remember how driven I was when I played soccer. I played for about 10 yrs. I was excellent at it.  Goals from fullback position, our team always in 1st place, I was blessed to be MVP all the time.  I demanded excellence in myself and if I fell short of it I expected myself to practice more to perfect my game and stamina.  I feel the same way in what I am doing here for the Paralympics.  The difference is that I need a visual plan in place to see my progress.  In soccer I didn't know I was getting where I ended up at.  I was quite young.  I train with a plan now.  I am having fun like I was in soccer.  Ari is on my team and I need to treat him as one of the most valuable players besides my trainer, Marlo.  Train, school shows, competition gradually advancing to a higher levels till I am done and pray my scores will qualify me for the Paralympics!  

So much to do and I feel there is little time.  Is that so?  Marlo says that If I put my mind to it I can accomplish anything!  So, then I can do this, go to the Paralympics.  :-)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Journey to Rio

Friday was a fun and good to observe Ari's body language. Marlo and I agreed to lunge him.  After the lunging Marlo would give him a massage… I watch Marlo's cues of walk, trot and canter.  Ari did well on the cues, just a couple times he was more spirited on his canter ;-) We talked about some of the challenges that I have faced and eating on the road when we travel.  I love the juicing idea.  I will bring my protein mix, fruit and veggies.  I will also be happy to bring my vita mix..:-)

Then Marlo took him back and I helped her get Ari back onto the cross ties.  Oh wow to see him melt when she was massaging the muscle of his shoulders and hind quarters was a sight to see.  I haven't seen a horse melt like that, it was impressive.  I was in front of Ari's face.  Marlo pointed out that it was to close and ask me to go along side him.  I recognized that he needed to not be distracted with me being in front of his face.  He was nudging a little to hard with his face.  Respecting my space and his is a good to observe in your horse.  

Marlo and I talked about Paralympics.  She knows the other 2 other gals that are qualifying along with me in the state of Utah.  They are in qualifying for different grade levels.  She will be calling them this weekend to see if we can all meet up.  We are hoping we may travel together for competitions.  I would love to get to know these ladies and travel with them if possible.  Strength in numbers. :-)

Oh wow, the loan is still in review.  They were hoping that we could come in and sign on Sat.  It didn't happen.. sigh!! It has been passed the 15 days.  Get it done already lol seriously.. Monday, I will call as soon as the bank open for a report.  Hoping that we will sign that afternoon or evening before they close.  My thumbs are getting very tired!! Patience is a virtue.. RIGHT :-)

I am so excited to have Ari as my first horse.  He is fun, full of energy, forgiving, respectful, encouraging, he tests, he is more of an inter vert however that is a response to transition from one owner to another, responsive in my actions and what he needs to do, helpful and he wants to work like me.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Journey to Rio

So, I committed to this month and next months boarding.  I asked for copies of everything on Wednesday.  I am planning on the purchase of Ari at that time pending the release of funds that I have applied for this amazing Journey.  I pray that they will come in on Wednesday purchase..

Marlo commented that I am getting the routine.  I just need to be a little more quick on the draw.  It will come.  I am grateful for the help with the reins.  I haven't mastered this yet.. It will come.  I am excited to get my own grooming products along with bridle, stirrups, gearth, saddle, 3 blankets, 2 pads, stool, broom (red) lol, halter and lead rope.  Marlo has been kind enough to let me use her things. I hope I have taken good care of them.. 

Marlo warmed up Ari.  I was off lead rope.  We worked on walk halts, walk, trot halts and trot halts.  It is to establish that Ari will not blow me off and that I may get my seat along with quick transitions crisp. Marlo says, I did well and Ari caught on well.  I had fun doing this lesson.  It becomes a game in my mind. I did mix up cues. Like instead of transitions warning from my thighs, I squeezed Ari to go forward. lol This happens some of its normal and other times my brain isn't comprehending (this is normal for me)  As a child I was diagnosed with a comprehension challenge and having brain surgeries it has enhanced this challenge.  This can be embarrassing, challenging, frustrating and a blessing at times.  My hope for all those that are my family, friends or that work with me understand this doesn't hold me back.  Thankfully I am a researcher and this has helped.

Journey to Rio

We had fun on Friday a lot of new things learned and experienced.  I came in early to see if Marlo was teaching another student.  The student wash't there so I learn about more things that Ari needs. He needs a therapy blanket (this one helps his muscle to be stimulated, to keep him warm, loose and a regular blanket warmth in the winter. Grooming and putting a saddle on him was better, working on the bridle part. There was a lot of energy in the barn.  The change of weather had an effect on the horse and there moods.  It was stormy (snow). Sounds do catch my attention and distract me only to a point.  Its the loud ones that I tense on.  Although it was exciting to me that I had remembered what I use to do when I was playing soccer or jumping, it was silent or on muted sound.  No, distractions and my performance was great!  I experience the same thing on Ari.  With the exception of Marlo's voice I could hear.  (earbuds)  

Since my brain surgeries my hearing has enhanced sound esp. loud sounds.  I am still trying to work through the sound of drilling in my head.  That's what loud sound feels like to me.   However, when focus intently on something like learning on Ari I am happy that this effect doesn't happen.  Marlo had me take my hands and touch each fingers as I breathe to settle the effect.  Which in this case was one of the horses, what seemed to me having a temper tantrum and was kicking his stall along with being angry with his voice.  Ringing in my ears is distracting too. That has gone on a lot this last week.  My rib cage is improving in its healing. Yeah!! 

I was offered to go to a clinic for Ari and I this weekend on Saturday and Sunday by Diane.  Although, it would have been a good one.  I had too much going on, family was in town, I needed to rest, and money was a factor.  I explained to Marlo that asking in advance would have a better results.  I also expressed that I not show or ride on Sundays. It is a decision I have made.  Marlo and I talked since I haven't bought Ari we would wait and I am grateful. :-)  We talked about the right saddle and bridle for me.  I will go to horse crazy to purchase all tac.  I went to REI on Saturday and got my jacket!  Oh wow its sweet!!  I am excited to have Marlo put her logo on it.  It is so warm and movable!  With all the new things that I am purchasing, Marlo is teaching me how to care for all these things.  It is work and I don't mind it, some of it is relaxing.  

Marlo warmed Ari up, I was trying to focus on how she balances through her thighs and position movements.  I was somewhat distracted due to the other horse and other riders. It was good for me to continue to refocus on the task at hand (which is visual learning)
I got on after and went through my exercises and started to walk/ trot on lead.  I hope I can explain this hand position.  Taking the reins with closed hands, thumb slightly bend forward like I was resisting a plank, elbows bent to my side, wrist supple. I was able to post trot too. I continue to work on my transitions.  I enjoyed riding.. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Journey to Rio

Wow, today was a great morning watching Marlo work Ari!  I needed a break.  I was worked on by my chiropractor and got a little to dizzy today.  My ribs are healing well and I am working on my neck and shoulders they are very tight.  Who here carries their stress in there necks and shoulders?  Apparently I do.. I came in with lots of butterflies to the point of tears and forgetting that Ari wasn't a dog that you can't just ask him to come.  lol I had Marlo come in his stall to help me know that if he is eating its okay to just put his halter on. I am looking for someone that does cranialsacrial work. I am sure i am not spelling it right.  I will also look for someone for stone massage probably once a month.  This will aid me in my journey. 

I was able to groom Ari today and start re braiding his mane.  Its relaxing for the both of us.  I will start making this a habit.  It helps calm me and he seems to fall asleep or relax him. I got the bridle and saddle this time. lol  On the bridle, I wash the bit put the reins on top of the poll piece, wrap the strap that goes around Ari's muzzle around the reins and the piece that goes around the throat latch twice around the middle of the bridle.  (Check Hope thats right Marlo) 
Marlo worked on softening Ari's mouth, walked, trot with and without posting, leg work and forward thinking with Ari.  Oh I pray I will look like her on my horse very soon.  Patience is a virtue and I am happy and grateful Marlo is patient with me.

I got the 4 runner back for 4 wheeling in the snow.  My MK car is going to be traded in for the cash option

Journey to Rio

Tomorrow I will know if the finance go through.. I pray that they do. 

Todays lesson was good with Marlo and my prince.  I had fun and I wasn't in pain from my injury to my cartilage in-between 3 ribs.  Thank you Lord and Dr. Pierce for helping me get better quicker!  

Today I came in a got Ari with halter and lead rope.  Put him in the cross tie and groomed him, it took a little longer.  I saddled him well and by golly I forgot how to put on the bridle. I was grateful for Marlo's help.  I pray I can remember how do work all the parts and how to handle Ari's halter and bridle at the same time.  I was 10 mins behind.  Its okay, I will master the bridle with ease and forgive myself if I don't understand it.  I can always ask for help. :-) I am working the saddle and girth with ease.  

Marlo warmed Ari up and I got on him with the lead rope.  I went through my exercises: rotate ankles, scissor kicks, frog legs, grab ankle and the other to rotate my thighs inward like a V making sure that my calves and ankles are out away from Ari's barrel. Then grabbed both ankles and made sure i was balanced in my salad bowl :-). Repeated exercises when Ari was walking. Feet in stirrups and walked halted.  Then at a posting trot. Balance was somewhat an issue and was reminded to belly button to spine, not grip with calves, use my thighs and core to balance!  Keep my feet away from his belly.  It helped and we ended with a great trot transition to walk - halt.  
I got off with out incident wit my ribs.  

Note!  Write down a list of things in order to do after I ride.  I forgot to wash bridle!! I was distracted, Ari was stomping and that usually and indication he needs to relieve himself.  

Marlo mentioned AZ and training Ari 5x a week.   I am excited to achieve and have fun at the same time. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Journey to the Paralympics 


Wow!  Today was Incredible.. So many things happened today.  Lol I felt a little embarrassed about when I came in.  My brain was on over load literally and I kinda had a tiny melt down, tears and everything.  I thought my lesson was at 11:30 and it was at 12:30 (looked on my text tonight) I looked at my calendar it was 11:30, sigh!  Thanks Marlo for not making me feel small.  It was my bad. lol 
The great point was, I got to see Marlo train a pony. It fascinated me the teaching of the transitions from trot to canter on a non schooled pony.  The pony actually did well under her tutelage. 

Okay, oh I had to laugh at myself a lot today.  I went to Ari's stall a few times seeing if he would respond to me calling his name.  I was excited to see he did!  I would put my hand out and he would put his face in it and let me touch and pat his cheek. I would also take the halter and roll play as if I was putting it on him. I am sure he thought that was funny.   Its how I learn.  Marlo had asked me to go get Ari alone today.  I went to go into his stall but stop short!  I thought to myself wait I don't remember what side to be on to put the halter on. I paused for a time.  I said to myself I am not proud, I need to ask.  Ari looked at me like where are you going?? I want to go?? :-)  I went to ask Marlo.  Its the left side always.  So, its opposite of his feed in this case.  I went back knowing what I was to do and Ari, bless his heart put his face right into the halter.. It was so easy!  I thanked Ari for his patiences and love.

Todays lesson was growth promoting and intense for my brain.  
1. Marlo warmed him up.  He was experiencing stiffness in the left hind quarter.  It affected his canter.  She was able to loosen it.  
2. Got on and had Ari stand still for a few minutes
            Had Ari on a lead line today 
3. I started with my exercises first
    a. ankle rotation inward
    b. scissor kicks- one leg forward the other back behind and traded off (I forget this in my notes last time)
    c. ankle rotation again
    d. I took my left ankle and brought it up to my hip to rotate my thigh inward to create a V shape with my leg.
    e. repeated with my right ankle to my hip
    f.  Marlo wanted to see if I could get my feet in the stirrups with the V rotation. The right foot was easier to get in not my left. She put    my left foot in.
    g. Marlo asked me to repeat all of these exercises at a walk with a lead rope.  That was so weird! I felt like I was going to fall off on                 
        the right side.  I was leaning forward and my seat wasn't back. As soon as I corrected these important steps I was more balanced.  
    h. Marlo incorporated a new exercise today.  I will attempt to explain it.  laughing.  My arms high up above me, then rotate one of my 
        shoulders round like a propeller down and keep the other arm above me. Its like the leg scissor up and down. The trick is to            
        rotate shoulders and challenge the brain to do something very different - opposite directions.                                                                          It was confusing.  I will master this exercise with ease and remember its okay to be patient to have my brain remember. 
When I got off Ari I was sore in both hips but what I experienced was the same as I do when I am off the ground. My equilibrium forgets to balance all the way. So I sway in my head and the connections from my brain to my feet are slow. It took a little over an hour to normalize. A little longer than I wanted it too.  I experience a more enhanced version when I am in the car driving over 3 hours and airplanes wow still trying to stay out of a wheelchair.  Its crazy, very real thankfully it doesn't hurt. 

After my lesson we had the vet pre-purchase exam!  I was grateful we did it and I have a lot to think about.  Thanks Bo for the x rays and the report that will be sent. You and Austin were masters at what you do and very grateful you explained everything.  Thanks Marlo for your experience in these matters.. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

                       Journey to Rio

I have been encouraged by my wonderful and talented trainer to make a journal of all my practices.  (as she doesn't know I don't have a fondness of writing) I am about to learn to love the pen or typing.. My hope is that I may retain this information and if what I have written isn't correct then I will make appropriate adjustments.  

My trainers name is Marlo Vivenzo.  
My second lesson from her was Friday September 13th 2013 my lucky day!  :-)
Marlo warmed up my horse which is named Ari (nickname) Marlo calls him her love and he is my prince for now. lol
Marlo rode him swimmingly and I felt Marlo and Ari looked fabulous in Marlo's ride.  I strive to look like the smooth, in control, balanced and graceful as Marlo is teaching me soon.  
We had a great lesson full of information that I hope to convey on paper.  

1. Stretching is a must in our lessons.  Marlo is helping me open up my hips and get a solid seat established! Before we go on to the body of our lesson I am on Ari. Marlo has me take out my feet of my stirrups and rotate my ankles inward. Staying in a tall sitting position on Ari.  To get a strong seat my core (trunk of my body) and my thighs rotated in like a V shape and feet away from Ari.  How to achieve right position Marlo asked me to pick up each ankle and bring it up to my hip slowly to show the rotation in my thigh and to see that my feet are away from Ari. I will need to have for a strong seat esp. when I am trotting on Ari.  Apparently, I still have the flexibility in my body.  Thats good.  So, then I slowly with out moving my rotated thigh release my ankle and put my foot back in the stirrup (the length of the stirrup feels quit short now) The ball of my foot is placed in the stirrup with toes extended.  An exercise I get to practice at the beginning of each lesson and each time I ride. I will master this correct seating exercise with ease.  

2. We went onto the next lesson which about smooth transitions with a walk to a stop or a trot to walk to stopping Ari.  We focused on the walk to stop transition.  Seated correctly, the warning to Ari is to bring my thighs more into a V shape inward, lowering my elbows with my shoulders down and my wrist soft and higher then my elbows for transition.  I will continue to watch the video of Ari and Marlo. Marlo and I agree to have me filmed so that I may watch needs to be improved upon or what is looking great!

Then I was able to go around twice in a trot.  Ari is so smooth in his trot. It feels so much better on my back and my ankles now with Ari and seating correctly.  

Ari.. :-) I can't help but smile.  He is patient with me.  I strive to be patient with him.  He wants to please me when I ride him.  He is affectionate.  I need to be careful of his head at times.  He likes to nug me and it sometimes its harder then I like it to be.   I love his eyes! They seem to settle on me with kindness. I need this right now.  I appreciate the ease that he gives me when I am grooming him.  I don't feel fear esp. when I am cleaning his hoofs, hind quarters and tail.  I am excited to continue to learn how to groom him. Marlo is efficient in this way. I will strive to do the same. Ari seems to enjoy his grooming and it is a bonding time for both of us.  I will make each tool in order of application so it will go like clock work.  I must remember to lead Ari in the back of the grooming stall and turn him around. Place the cross ties on first lead rope off, groom him order and sweep up my mess I made.  If there is anything else need cleaning help out.  Its good to leave the area better then when you came in.  

Helpful hints:
When Ari is pawing at the ground he needs to go potty.  Lead him directly to his stall in the breezeway.  Always have a helmet on. 

He has a Vet check on Monday.. It great to have a second opinion on the your horse you about to buy.

I am getting back to my Mary Kay business.  It going to be funding this journey and I will need all the help I can to achieve this incredible goal.  Thank you to all my customers and team members who have for all they do as friends and those who buy Mary Kay's beautiful products. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Journey to the Paralympics

I am sad that I haven't kept this blog up however, that will change as of now.  I am hoping that I may write my journey to the Paralympics and kleen the lessons from it.  I am not a great writer by all means however I can try! :-)

I started at Courage Reins about 3 yrs ago with a tramatic brain injury for physcial therapy.  I have had a great trainer and supporters there!  I am not perfect however I have made major strides in my recovery in my balance and contections from the brain to rest of my body.  Its exciting and I feel such gratitude for all those who have been involved in my healing process.  

Since I was little girl I have known I was going to the Olympics.  I have never forgotten that dream.  I was good at jumping horses and excellent at soccer.. It was one or the other that I wanted to excel in towards Olympic dream.  Its amazing how life can throw lemons at you!! I developed the attitude of gratitude with each lemon. The lemonade from those lemons have been so sweet and delilious!  At this time of my life I have been given the opportunity to make more lemonade!! Yeah!! 

I am in the beginning stages of picking a horse out for my journey.  I will meet him on Wednesday, tour the facility and get a great idea of what is expected of me.  The owners have given me a chance to ride him for a (lease) month I have changed trainers and will be training in Park City!  This isn't going to be cheap!! This horse is $15,000, saddle will be between $2 to $3k, bridle about $500, bit about $150 and I haven't even started with vet, board and training!  HaHa... I have a plan. :-)  

I understand practice makes perfection. There will be lots of tears, some disappointment, craziness, excitment, graditude, joy and so forth.  Thats nothing new to me!  

More to come but first I need to make dinner, I am hungry..