Friday, August 10, 2012

Skin Care Beyond the Products

Hey everyone! Today we’re going to talk about some of the daily skin care things that you can do in order to look and feel your best. Your skin is going to look its best when it is taken care of properly- no matter what.

Here are some of the daily things that you can do:

  1. Wash your face, and be thorough with it.
  2. Drink lots of water during the day. Hydrated people have naturally better looking skin!
  3. Eat things like carrots and tomatoes and dark greens to repair skin damage and provide essential vitamins. Make yourself a tasty salad and you’ll be that much better for it!
  4. Try not to touch your face during the day. Your hands have oils and can work your makeup into your pores.
  5. Keep your hair out of your face. Like any part of your body, your hair has oils in it.
  6. Use quality foundation. The old saying “you get what you pay for” comes to mind. Cheap foundation can clog your pores.
  7. Take off your makeup before you sleep. It’s annoying sometimes, but it is well worth your time. Your skin will thank you!
  8. Lastly, get enough sleep! Sleep restores your body and helps you look great. So, get to bed and try to get quality sleep time.

Follow these tips and take care of your skin, and you’ll notice a definite improvement in your life! We at Mary Kay want to supply people with the best products possible, but we also want to be sure that they are paying attention to their health.

Just remember that through the basics, we are able to get some of the best results!


  1. Emily,

    Thanks for the tips! We can't forget the basics. If you are ever interested in reviewing skin care products on your blog, we'd love for you to get in touch with us and we'll provide the products.


    1. Brandon,

      Thank you for the opportunity. I'm very focused on Mary Kay right now. But I'd appreciate some more information on the products. I'll watch for an email from you. epsheff12 at gmail dot com.


