Friday, August 31, 2012

Broadening Your Sales Base

Hi everyone! I’d like to take a minute today to talk about how we can do better with sales.Sometimes it can be difficult to meet new contacts and make old contacts into customers. The difference between success and failure can all come down to being friendly.

The fascinating thing about making sales is that there are no guarantees, so we have to adapt to sell. Here are some of the best things you can do in order to improve on your sales that I have learned in my time at this job!

1-      First of all, be very clear and confident when introducing yourself and getting people’s names. Make an effort to remember theirs! People connect better when there is some aspect of familiarity.
2-      Go to places where people are going to be! Going to the bank or grocery store or salon allows you to find people who might be interested in our products. Strike up a conversation, and show real interest.
3-      A compliment goes a long way- as long as it is sincere. People are generally very good at immediately knowing whether we are being sincere or not, so give real compliments.
4-      Look for wedding and anniversary announcements in the newspaper. If they have a number listed, try calling them to congratulate them and ask them whether the bride has all of her beauty product needs being met.
5-      People like free things. I like to start by asking potential customers whether I can offer them a free facial. It is nice, it is genuine, and it gets your foot in the door.
6-      Last of all- have a good attitude. People can feel when you are in a bad mood, so always strive to be positive and engaged with clients. You will notice results!

These are just some of the things you can do. Just remember- a lot of the skills for sales develop with experience, and that every person has talents and quirks that they can use to get results. I strongly suggest that you identify your talents, and then work on strengthening them.

Everyone’s situation is different. What opportunities do you see in your community to broaden your network?

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