Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Journey to Rio

So, I committed to this month and next months boarding.  I asked for copies of everything on Wednesday.  I am planning on the purchase of Ari at that time pending the release of funds that I have applied for this amazing Journey.  I pray that they will come in on Wednesday purchase..

Marlo commented that I am getting the routine.  I just need to be a little more quick on the draw.  It will come.  I am grateful for the help with the reins.  I haven't mastered this yet.. It will come.  I am excited to get my own grooming products along with bridle, stirrups, gearth, saddle, 3 blankets, 2 pads, stool, broom (red) lol, halter and lead rope.  Marlo has been kind enough to let me use her things. I hope I have taken good care of them.. 

Marlo warmed up Ari.  I was off lead rope.  We worked on walk halts, walk, trot halts and trot halts.  It is to establish that Ari will not blow me off and that I may get my seat along with quick transitions crisp. Marlo says, I did well and Ari caught on well.  I had fun doing this lesson.  It becomes a game in my mind. I did mix up cues. Like instead of transitions warning from my thighs, I squeezed Ari to go forward. lol This happens some of its normal and other times my brain isn't comprehending (this is normal for me)  As a child I was diagnosed with a comprehension challenge and having brain surgeries it has enhanced this challenge.  This can be embarrassing, challenging, frustrating and a blessing at times.  My hope for all those that are my family, friends or that work with me understand this doesn't hold me back.  Thankfully I am a researcher and this has helped.

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