Sunday, October 6, 2013

Journey to Rio

Friday was a fun and good to observe Ari's body language. Marlo and I agreed to lunge him.  After the lunging Marlo would give him a massage… I watch Marlo's cues of walk, trot and canter.  Ari did well on the cues, just a couple times he was more spirited on his canter ;-) We talked about some of the challenges that I have faced and eating on the road when we travel.  I love the juicing idea.  I will bring my protein mix, fruit and veggies.  I will also be happy to bring my vita mix..:-)

Then Marlo took him back and I helped her get Ari back onto the cross ties.  Oh wow to see him melt when she was massaging the muscle of his shoulders and hind quarters was a sight to see.  I haven't seen a horse melt like that, it was impressive.  I was in front of Ari's face.  Marlo pointed out that it was to close and ask me to go along side him.  I recognized that he needed to not be distracted with me being in front of his face.  He was nudging a little to hard with his face.  Respecting my space and his is a good to observe in your horse.  

Marlo and I talked about Paralympics.  She knows the other 2 other gals that are qualifying along with me in the state of Utah.  They are in qualifying for different grade levels.  She will be calling them this weekend to see if we can all meet up.  We are hoping we may travel together for competitions.  I would love to get to know these ladies and travel with them if possible.  Strength in numbers. :-)

Oh wow, the loan is still in review.  They were hoping that we could come in and sign on Sat.  It didn't happen.. sigh!! It has been passed the 15 days.  Get it done already lol seriously.. Monday, I will call as soon as the bank open for a report.  Hoping that we will sign that afternoon or evening before they close.  My thumbs are getting very tired!! Patience is a virtue.. RIGHT :-)

I am so excited to have Ari as my first horse.  He is fun, full of energy, forgiving, respectful, encouraging, he tests, he is more of an inter vert however that is a response to transition from one owner to another, responsive in my actions and what he needs to do, helpful and he wants to work like me.  

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