Friday, August 31, 2012

Broadening Your Sales Base

Hi everyone! I’d like to take a minute today to talk about how we can do better with sales.Sometimes it can be difficult to meet new contacts and make old contacts into customers. The difference between success and failure can all come down to being friendly.

The fascinating thing about making sales is that there are no guarantees, so we have to adapt to sell. Here are some of the best things you can do in order to improve on your sales that I have learned in my time at this job!

1-      First of all, be very clear and confident when introducing yourself and getting people’s names. Make an effort to remember theirs! People connect better when there is some aspect of familiarity.
2-      Go to places where people are going to be! Going to the bank or grocery store or salon allows you to find people who might be interested in our products. Strike up a conversation, and show real interest.
3-      A compliment goes a long way- as long as it is sincere. People are generally very good at immediately knowing whether we are being sincere or not, so give real compliments.
4-      Look for wedding and anniversary announcements in the newspaper. If they have a number listed, try calling them to congratulate them and ask them whether the bride has all of her beauty product needs being met.
5-      People like free things. I like to start by asking potential customers whether I can offer them a free facial. It is nice, it is genuine, and it gets your foot in the door.
6-      Last of all- have a good attitude. People can feel when you are in a bad mood, so always strive to be positive and engaged with clients. You will notice results!

These are just some of the things you can do. Just remember- a lot of the skills for sales develop with experience, and that every person has talents and quirks that they can use to get results. I strongly suggest that you identify your talents, and then work on strengthening them.

Everyone’s situation is different. What opportunities do you see in your community to broaden your network?

Friday, August 24, 2012

How You Can Win a Cruise to Alaska!

Hi everyone! I’d like to take a minute today to talk about winning a free cruise through Mary Kay! If you are interested in getting a free 7 night cruise through or organization, read on! Those who are interested have about 10 months to win this contest.

The Alaskan Cruise contest has been going on since April of this year, and will extend until June 15th of next year.

Consultants can win if they do one of the following:
-    5 quarter star consultant and 8 personal qualified recruits
-    Become a brand new sales director
-    Become a director and have 1 new offspring director

Win where you fit in by June 15th of next your and cruise to the top of Alaska on your director! This is going to be a chance you don’t want to miss out on. It’s going to be 7 nights of bliss set amid some of the most spectacular scenery you can find!

You CAN win this! Don't brush it off with the thought that someone else could win-- I've won a Caribbean cruise from Mary Kay before. And let me tell you, it was worth all the work! Contact me if you have any specific questions about the cruise and how to qualify for selection. Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Reaching Our Goals for the Next Five Days

Hello Ladies!

I hope you are all having a wonderful August!  This is such an exciting time of year, with the children getting back in school, and FINALLY being able to get back on a schedule, it's a perfect time for all of us to make new personal goals, and also professional goals!   That is why I am offering my "Emily's Special"!

As we all know, it is so important to have an inventory to help us build our businesses, and so for the next five (5) days, these are some of the amazing incentives that are being extended:

For orders of $600.00 or more, you receive:
  • Starter Kit Enhancement Package (includes headbands, cotton balls, wash clothes and SATIN LIPS to demo)
For orders of $1,000.00 or more, you receive:
  • Starter Kit Enhancement Package
  • TimeWise Microdermabrasion Set to demo
For orders of $1,400.00 or more, you receive:
  • Starter Kit Enhancement Package
  • TimeWise Microdermabrasion Set to demo
  • Three (3) Mary Kay Concealers to demo
For orders of $2,100.00 or more, you receive:
  • Starter Kit Enhancement Package
  • TimeWise Microdermabrasion Set to demo
  • Three (3) Mary Kay Concealers to demo
  • TimeWise Age-Fighting Eye Cream AND TimeWise Firming Eye Cream to demo
For orders of $2,400.00 or more, you receive:
  • Starter Kit Enhancement Package
  • TimeWise Microdermabrasion Set to demo
  • Three (3) Mary Kay Concealers to demo
  • TimeWise Age-Fighting Eye Cream AND TimeWise Firming Eye Cream to demo
  • You will become a Star Consultant to receive addition prizes, and and qualify for BizBuilders, which is FREE MONEY on your next order
As you can see, this is a perfect time for anyone to get started in their own business and have the benefit of working together as a team to achieve goals, and ultimately your hopes and dreams!

Our team goal for production is $2000.00 by the end of the month.  So far, we are over $1,300.00.  So our end of month goal as of today is a minimum of $1,709.00.  We can do it!  

I want to recognize Sandra McCoy, who placed an order over $200.00!  Great Job Sandra!  You're a wonderful addition to our team!   

As I will be on my cruise this coming week, please feel free to email me if you need anything.  I appreciate you all so much, and am excited to be on your team.  Let's make the next 5 days count!  

Thank you,

Em Kay

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Mary Kay I Story

This post will be a little long, but it's as short as I could cut my story without leaving out important details that have shaped who I am.

My friend Khan and me. Khan has helped me heal.

The very beginning:  I actually had three people approach me about Mary Kay when I was 23. It was very flattering. Ultimately a friend from church won out. She brought me into the company. I came in because I needed to break out of low self-esteem that I had created for myself. Mary Kay is a very positive company, and I needed that.

Before I signed I went to my dad for advice and his opinion. He’s a lawyer, so I asked him about the contract and becoming an Independent Beauty Consultant. He looked over it for a while and said it was a company that was a direct sale organization, not multi-level marketing or pyramid.  He also counseled that there was money to be made with Mary Kay—that if I listened and learned I would go far in Mary Kay.  I loved that idea. I had two children:  a three year old and a five month old. I wanted to be at home while I was making money and building my self-esteem. Mary Kay was a perfect fit.

When Mary Kay was alive, I had the honor of receiving my first set of keys for my Mary Kay car on stage from her.  She looked in my eyes, gave me a hug, and said she was so proud of me. With her eyes sparkling Mary Kay Ash said, “Keep going and never give up on your dreams.” In my Mary Kay career I have had some health challenges.  Mary Kay Ash found out about one of them and kindly wrote a couple of letters to get well. I still have those letters, they are precious to me.

Life moved on, and I found myself a single mom with two children. At the time Mary Kay didn't offer insurance so I worked Mary Kay and another job to have insurance. I was able to keep my house and take care of my kids. Thanks to a merciful Heavenly Father, family, Mary Kay and hard work, I could keep my life intact.

My sweet family has been so supportive.
I have since remarried now for fourteen years and have a very supportive family. My husband supports me heartily with Mary Kay though I’ve been through several ups and downs. In the midst of going through several surgeries, I did my best to stick with Mary Kay and he did so much to support me. For example: delivering product, taking product orders, talked to my clients or associates and helped me with my orders with the company.

When you go through surgery you change as a person. Your self esteem changes. Your passions changes. You just change. God and family guided me through that. They helped me stay with it. There were times when I was sure Mary Kay wasn’t for me. My family helped me helped me understand why I loved my business so much. And it hasn’t been easy for any of us. Due to two brain surgeries and a car accident in-between, I had to relearn this business three different times. I had lost my passion for it, and I had to learn my “why” again and learn who I am.  What a journey—and I wouldn't change any of it! I have always remembered:  never give up and never surrender to your dreams in life. I am grateful for miracles!

Through Mary Kay I’ve learned how to love women again. I want to help them feel beautiful, to be positive. Mary Kay is such a wonderful way to unite women and help them grow and develop and progress. Mary Kay Ash always said, “When you look at women always see a sign around her neck that reads ‘Make Me Feel Special.’”

My future goal is to move into a Cadillac Unit and fly into nationals. My goal is to be a National Sales Director by 2014. I love finding fun creative ways to promote these brilliant products! I love working with sharp women of vision! I love this company, Mary Kay. It has been my support through much, and I am proud to say that I am a part of the pink bubble! :)

So what's your story? I encourage you to write it down-- and it's also pretty liberating to share it! I'd love to read it if you choose to share it :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Skin Care Beyond the Products

Hey everyone! Today we’re going to talk about some of the daily skin care things that you can do in order to look and feel your best. Your skin is going to look its best when it is taken care of properly- no matter what.

Here are some of the daily things that you can do:

  1. Wash your face, and be thorough with it.
  2. Drink lots of water during the day. Hydrated people have naturally better looking skin!
  3. Eat things like carrots and tomatoes and dark greens to repair skin damage and provide essential vitamins. Make yourself a tasty salad and you’ll be that much better for it!
  4. Try not to touch your face during the day. Your hands have oils and can work your makeup into your pores.
  5. Keep your hair out of your face. Like any part of your body, your hair has oils in it.
  6. Use quality foundation. The old saying “you get what you pay for” comes to mind. Cheap foundation can clog your pores.
  7. Take off your makeup before you sleep. It’s annoying sometimes, but it is well worth your time. Your skin will thank you!
  8. Lastly, get enough sleep! Sleep restores your body and helps you look great. So, get to bed and try to get quality sleep time.

Follow these tips and take care of your skin, and you’ll notice a definite improvement in your life! We at Mary Kay want to supply people with the best products possible, but we also want to be sure that they are paying attention to their health.

Just remember that through the basics, we are able to get some of the best results!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Mary Kay Skincare TimeWise™ Repair

Hi everyone! We’re going to talk today about one of our newest and most exciting products yet! Over the course of the next couple of months, we’re going to see a lot of orders placed for this, so let’s talk about it now!

TimeWise Repair is one of our most effective skin care regimens which is the culmination of a lot of innovation. This product combines extensive research, innovative ingredients and comprehensive testing.

Here are some of the benefits of Timewise Repair:
-    This solution gives an even skin tone
-    It replenishes vital moisture
-    TimeWise recaptures youthful volume
-    The product restores lifted facial contours
-    It reduces the look of deep lines and wrinkles

TimeWise Repair is made out of three primary active ingredients, working together to heal and reinvigorate:

1-    A biomimetic peptide (used to support skin repair processes)
2-    A hyaluronic acid booster (provides volumes and lift)
3-    Plant stem cells (For skin volume and lift)

Now that we know what this product is and what is does, let’s talk about availability and ordering! Right now, this product is only available to directors. However, consultants are going to be able to order it soon!
Consultants who are part of the preferred customer program are going to get access first. Those members can order on September 1st, while all other consultants will have access on September 10th.

This is going to be a great selling opportunity, so be ready! Skin care is where we excel. A new age of beauty is born!